Saturday 1 June 2024

Colourboard #3 Winners

 Hello & Welcome!

It's time to announce the winners of Colourboard#3.

The AAA Colourful DT have so enjoyed looking at how you have interpreted the colours. Huge thanks to everyone who linked up.

Difficult decisions were made and here's the results:


#3 The Crafty Den

Congratulations Denise!

Please grab our Winner badge to display on your blog and contact Jane to arrange a Guest Designer spot -

Top Four
in entry order

Congratulations to you all, please grab our Top Four badge to display on your blogs.

Our current challenge is Colourboard #4

There is still plenty of time to link up and we'd love you to play along.

Peace & Hugs

The AAA Colourful Team


  1. Grats Denise on your stunning card and a shout out to Melissa, Carol and Deborah as well

  2. Congratulations, Denise, on your fabulous card! Thrilled to see my card standing next to Melissa, Karen and Deborah as a shout out. So honoured!

  3. Oh, what a super surprise. Just got back from my holiday to see that I got a Top 4 for my card - thank you so much. Congratulations to Denise on winning the challenge, and also to Melissa, Carol and Karen. xx
