Wednesday, 15 May 2024

Colourboard #4

 Hello and welcome!

Colourboard #4 is a beautiful mix of pastels shades and a joy to work with.

We are delighted to welcome Karen as our Guest Designer for this challenge.

Such a beautiful card with a wonderful mix of textures. Go leave Karen a lovely comment on her blog - HERE.

Now let's take a look at the amazing inspiration from the AAA Colourful DT:

Well how about that then? 
Now it's your turn to get creative with Colourboard #4.
Can't wait to see your ideas.

Peace & Hugs

The AAA Colourful Team


  1. Thanks so much for having me as your Guest Designer this month and I'm loving seeing all the dreamy cards the DT have created, what a very cool moodboard!

    1. It's been fab having you guest with us for this challenge. Thanks so much.

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